Thursday, 14 December 2017

Self-Evaluation 1º term

Now, I can do some new things like a wordcloud. I liked Michael´s classes the most. I think that I can talk about Ireland in a good way now. Outside the class, I watched some films and series, an I have listened to music. Maybe, it will be good to learn some new vocabulary to improve my English.


I´ve learnt some interesting things about Ireland, different rules and types of houses in other countries, and some other things about growing up, and cities in the USA.

Friday, 1 December 2017


Geography, vocabulary unit 1.

Aims: metas, logros.
Knowlege: conocimiento.
Enviroment: medio ambiente.
Origin: origen.
Develop: desarrollar.
Ancient Times: Tiempos antigüos, remotos.
Relate: relacionar.
Belongs to: pertenece a.
Features: características.
Countryside: campo de cultivo, tierras de cultivo.
Invention: invención.
Dum: presa.
Highway: autopista.
Valley: valle.
Flow: caudal.
Portulant charts: cartas de navegación.
Concerned: preocupado, se preocupa de.
Achieve: alcanzar.
As a whole: en conjunto.
Display: mostrar.
Grids: retícula.
Spreads out: se expande.
From now on: a partir de ahora.
Key: leyenda (mapa).
Usefulness: utilidad.
Fan: abanico.
Label: etiqueta.
Wide: ancho.
Gained: ganar. (ej, ganar peso.)
Until: hasta.
Beyond: más allá.
Gaps: huecos.
Accurate: apropiado.
Provide: proporcionar.
Borous: vecindario, distrito.
Nonetheless: sin embargo.
Tools: herramientas.
Stream of water: chorro, arroyo de agua.
Basement: sótano.
Recover: recuperar.
Pyromaniac: pirómano.
Tsunami: tsunami.
Mountain range: cordillera.
Seaquake: maremoto.
Tributary: afluente.

Unit 1


Gegraphy is the science that studies the Earyh´s natural features, it also studies people. (human activities and places and how do  they live and how thy affect each other.)

There are two diffrent tipes of geography: Human Geography and Phisical Geography.

1. I think that it is human geography because it is something that we use. Is it not an Earth´s feature.
2. In my opinion, it is natural geography. We can see mountain ranges,a lake, some clouds and storm... with are part of the Earth´s natural features.
3. I can see a heizer, an eruption of hot water from the Earth´s surface. It belongs to natural gerography because is something that it´s not made by us, we did not create it.
4. This picture belongs to human geography. I think that because of it is something that we use every day, it´s one of the most important human activities.
5. We can see both types of geography. Physical because is something that belongs to the Earth´s nature; but its modificated by humans, and thats why it also belongs to human geography.
6.  This is clearly human geography. We can see lots of Skycrapers, and high buildings. Its something that we made and that we use foruor lifes everyday. There´s also physical geography because of the river that surrounds the city.
7. This is human geography created over natural geography. It is a natural place with our things, so there are the two of them.
8. This is physical geography. We can see the dessert, mountains and also some plants.
9. It is human geography using physycal geography. It is a dumb, using a river to control the water that we are going to use.
10. It is physical geography and human geography. In the front we can see some countryside, with trees, and that´s physical geography. And, in the back, we can see some human geography, a city, made by humans.